
Coconut Aminos, 250ml

Coconut aminos are a popular gluten- and soy-free alternative to soy sauce. It’s made from the nectar or sap from coconut blossoms, which is naturally aged with sea salt to intensify the umami flavours.

The coconut aminos have a rich, salty, umami flavour with a hint of sweetness and almost buttery finish. Use wherever you would use soy sauce – in salad dressings, stir fries, marinades, soups, or as a dipping sauce.

Coconut aminos typically contain around 17 different amino acids. These are compounds that are essential for forming different proteins. They also contain a host of B-vitamins, and are at least 75% percent lower in sodium than most soy sauce.

Coconut aminos are also suitable for the Paleo Diet. The nectar is gathered from organic coconut flowers and the aging method doesn’t involve any artificial processing or chemicals.

Ingredients: organic coconut blossom syrup, sea salt.

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